
Strength of the Network

“A community is stronger than divided individuals ever could be.” –Seth Godin

Recently, a blogpost by Seth Godin caught our eyes here at FRCA. Seth Godin is an author and former business executive who works to inspire his readers to “level up” and interact in the world while making a difference. One of his most recent posts, “The magnetic generosity of the network effect” focused on the importance of community and The Network Effect. We must focus on sharing our ideas, purposes and work to create a larger and stronger impact. According to Godin, most of the time we adopt the scarcity model of pizza. This says that if we hardly have any pizza left, and share it, then we won’t have any remaining. We must remember that this is not the case with sharing work and ideas. If we share ideas, they will spread and grow, creating an even more powerful idea. This is the Network Effect.

At Family Resource Center Association, we work to create a collaborative community that is just as invested in our vision as we are. Our vision is a Colorado where every family is thriving and self-reliant, and we would not be able to take steps towards this vision if it wasn’t for the Network Effect. We recognize that a community is stronger than an individual, and we want to share our ideas in order to change the lives of many and make an impact.

Want to learn more about our impact?  Check our latest Impact Report HERE or email Marie Mahan at [email protected].

By Amanda Weber & FRCA Staff

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Colorado Fatherhood Initiative Manager

The Fatherhood Initiative Manager will coordinate and lead a team-approach to continue the Implementation Phase of FRCA’s Fatherhood Initiative Project.
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Colorado Fatherhood Initiative Manager

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