Remembering those who helped us reach our destination!
At FRCA’s Destination Impact Gala 2019, our Board President, John Orr asked guests to write about the Destination Impact in their lives of a person, event, or circumstance that made it possible for them and/or their family to change their Destination and succeed. Here’s some of the responses we received:
For the last 16 years, my home visitor from Starpoint, Patty Webb, has helped me believe I could be anything, including a great parent!
My father and mother gave me insight into the value of education and the necessity to give back to others.
My track coach, Coach Burke. He told me I could do better… so I did.
My oldest brother and school teachers influenced me most.
My influence was a family that took me in as their foster child when I was on the wrong path at age 13.
My parents provided opportunities to me and supported my desire to go to college. My mom was a banker and she knew all about financial aid so that I could go to a small private school. They have always supported what I have wanted to do within financial boundaries.
My father encouraged me to chase my dreams with integrity, honesty, and hard work. My mother was a role model and a strong, committed, and self-reliant individual who taught me not to be discouraged by my gender or race.
I am here because of my amazing grandparents who guided me, encouraged me to be my best, work hard, and appreciate.
The women in my husband’s family show that education is power, balance is possible between work and family and that being a strong woman is a beautiful thing.
When choosing a college, my dad encouraged me to not be afraid to make the best decision for myself and not be held back by fears of things like leaving home.
I had patient parents who were there for me even after my many poor choices.
My father was the first to graduate from college, I was the second. He spent countless hours of time with me.
University of Colorado gave me the opportunity to go to college as an underserved child of a single father making $26k per year.
My life and schooling would not have been the same if my parents hadn’t sent me to a great school.
When I was young, I wrecked my car. A friend from church offered me his truck until I could figure things out. This generous offer allowed me to keep my job, earning a paycheck that gave me the ability to save up so I could recover faster. I always look to imitate his example.
My father always said, “My daughter will stand on her own two feet, be a professional, and not have to depend on any man, ever, not even me.”
I’m inspired by Suzanne Crawford, who is fearless and speaks with power and by Dayna Scott who is adventurous.
I was blessed as a child to have two strong and dependable parents who showed love and support.
A.J. talked to me as a peer and a professional even though she was 50+ years my senior. She is experienced, wealthy, educated, and humble. Because of her partnership I am who I am today.
My mom, my math teacher, Mr. Prall, my coworkers.
I received unconditional love from my parents and had a teacher who instilled pride in doing great work.
The person that has impacted my life the most is my husband. From an early age he experienced both nurturing opportunities as well as quite a bit of trauma. Over the course of 25 years knowing him, he has always strived to overcome. This became most challenging after serving in the military and deploying to Afghanistan. The trauma, injuries, and addiction that resulted almost killed him. Through it all he persevered. He now advocates for veterans and civilians with PTSD, fights to change legislation, and inspires everyone he meets. He is my hero.
My parents were loving and supportive. They taught me to seek positivity in life and in others. The individuals with special needs that I work with inspire me daily. They remind me of the pureness of joy and how to be brave.
Hard work; yearning; family; persistence
My elementary school English & Grammar teacher, Mrs. Dillon, introduced me to the value and power of communications, literature, and learning.
My father, who said I could do anything I wanted to do.
My grandparents were strong people who grew up very poor, but strived hard to live a good life and loved their family. They taught me to love and to be tolerant of others.
My friend, Melissa Kennedy, showed me that I have more strength than I realize.
My wife, Denise; and tonight’s speaker, Missy Kennedy.
Coach Tighe told me to give 150{5174c02ae8af42f0163c0bde243aeca1ac9f4d91a19005bb7e698c1ed57806ea} in whatever you do in life!
My mom and dad raised me to believe I could do anything I set my mind to.
During my life I’ve been influenced by the great teachers I’ve had.
I’m inspired by Edwina Salazar who is always calm under pressure and Dayna Scott who finds the humor in everything.
My dad and mom and my husband, Bill.
I succeeded thanks to encouragement in my education and personal development from my college professor, Donna Souder. When I was doing terrible in school, she told me, “There is nothing you can do to meet your classmates, you’re too far behind.” I was so upset, but it motivated me to get in gear and say, “That’s not true, I can do this.” I went from a 2.0 GPA to a 3.4 within three semesters. I made the Dean’s List every year until I graduated and even went with Professor Souder on my first trip abroad. Two years later, I served as a Peace Corps volunteer in China and now I do marketing and event coordination for Cripple Creek. She’s been as influential as my parents.
My grandfather, who stepped in when my father left- and helped me to think big.
Myself, my family, my friends, my teachers.
We applaud the attendees who participated and helped shine a light on how Family Support and Strengthening can help all families succeed. We are proud to be part of this mission to support our Member Centers and the families they serve throughout the state.