Planned Giving
We invite you to secure FRCA’s future. Our organization’s leaders greatly appreciate those who generously give to our organization today. Our leaders also partner with donors like you who have plans to graciously give to FRCA in the years to come. Donors like you who let us know that FRCA is in their will or estate plan are crucial to helping the children and families in Colorado for years to come. Please send us a message to share that you are planning to, or commit to, including FRCA in your will or bequest.
Planned gifts play an important role in securing the future of Family Resource Center Association and ensure that it will continue to meet its mission in the future.
All planned gifts are directed to the FRCA general operating support fund unless otherwise designated.
You are welcome to contact one of FRCA’s Co-Executive Directors to discuss a planned gift. You may also email us for more information.
You may also download planning tools to share with your advisor (attorney or financial planner): a Planned Gift Pledge form or a Bequest Intention form. The Planned Gift Pledge form is a binding agreement and the Bequest Intention form is non-binding.